Sunday, January 10, 2016

A Good Influence

I am not a hardcore blogger nor do i have a background in journalism so please bear with me in anything i might post in the coming days (if there be any)...

I actually was introduced by my colleague in making blogs and he was actually doing it for economical reasons and i wasn't so interested when he was educating me at that time. Days or maybe months passed and i watched a video of a very religious man preaching about using the internet through our electronic devices in a good way that will make us a blessing to others and using it to influence them towards goodness. By doing so, In God's grace, maybe people may change their ways and with our own little ways we can help spread peace to the world.

So i guess this blog will be a tool for anything and everything under the sun that i might be interested in sharing to the world that i believe will make a positive impact on whatever it is that i might be blogging.

'till next time. bye.

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