Monday, January 11, 2016

Religion: Which one is true?

We are living in a world of too many religions and there are even some who don't believe in having one...

Try asking yourselves why your religion is Islam? Roman Catholic? Hinduism? Buddhism? and a lot more to mention. Is it not because both your parents are having the same religion? That you were baptized when you were unable to decide for yourself on such beliefs? and you grew up practicing what you were told to do and  never ever asked why you did it?

We my friends are created by GOD (sorry for the atheists but i believe in God) as rational beings which means that he gave us the ability to think and reason on whatever it is that needs clarifications. Did you ever wonder why the creator gave you a brain so powerful compared to that of an animal? You my friends are very lucky for such a gift from the almighty.

If you're old enough to decide for yourself then i strongly believe you are also mature enough to learn more about your religion first and then try to completely educate yourself about other religions afterwards. I believe TRUTH is only one and it will only come out naturally if you open your minds and hearts to the possibility of change. 

Let us say for example that you grew up knowing that a child is conceived when two people of opposite genders kiss? (Which is my truth by the way when i was young..haha) and then when you went to a biology class a certain person comes in front of your class saying that what you believe in was wrong and a DIFFERENT process should be done so that a child can be conceived, would you be rational enough to believe your biology professor? or will you stick to what you grew up with?

We criticize religions by what we hear from the news or read from papers and articles without even knowing the truth behind it. It is like as if a civil engineer is badmouthing a medical doctor after an unsuccessful medical procedure of a surgeon after watching it over a news without even having complete knowledge of such case.

I agree that all religions teach good deeds and prohibit the opposite but my dear friends we only have one life and there is only ONE TRUE RELIGION out there so i challenge each and everyone of you to look for it and try living up to the expectations on how God created you, A Rational Being.

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